....and thanks to those who responded....Several were correct!: Orange-Crowned Warbler (subspecies celata) (Oreothylpis celata celata) (Photo credit: Arlene Ripley)
Got wood-warbler questions? If so, I have answers for you. I'm Daniel Edelstein — biologist, birding guide, birding instructor (www.warblerwatch.com and danieledelstein@att.net) — who ponders: Are there any wonders in our world more fascinating than the elegant beauty of wood-warblers? (All photos © Martin Meyers unless otherwise noted.) By the way, my upcoming new adult college birding class is featured at: http://danielsmerrittclasses.blogspot.com/
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Quick Quiz: Which wood-warbler is this one (in the photos)?
My friend Jim McGinity in Florida is an excellent birder and bander who temporarily captured this beauty recently......along with these fine photos.
Any guesses as to which species? -- per adding a "comment" below. I'll post the answer in a wee here.
Regards and happy birding, Daniel
Any guesses as to which species? -- per adding a "comment" below. I'll post the answer in a wee here.
Regards and happy birding, Daniel