Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My Upcoming Wood-Warbler Birding Tour in N. WI-Door County

.....and you're invited:

6:30 a.m., 5/23/08, Bailey's Harbor, WI at the annual Festival of Nature 

My birding tour is highlighted at the Ridges Santuary Web site that sponsors the annual festival, so please feel free to visit:

Then, at the site above, click on the "A complete registration brochure can be downloaded by clicking here" to see all nature tours/workshops throughout the weekend's festival.

My tour meets at the beach parking lot/county park adjoining Lake Michigan (across from The Ridges Sanctuary), so hope you can make it. 

I'll have free WI Bird Checklists to give away and other interesting handouts, too -- plus the wood-warblers and other neotropical migrants promise to be the best invited VIP guests to the festivities.  :-)


  1. Thanks for your trip; we enjoyed the tour to the Mink River and seeing the Red-Throated Loon you pointed out.

    See you next year there?

    Linday and Bob Nelson, Elgin, IL

  2. Do you lead another tour there soon in 2008? -- we could not make the festival this year.

    Harriet G.
