Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Warbler Guy, which 2014 name changes may happen for West Coast warblers? Will they affect warbler classification checklists?

Fine question, Jory.

Quick answer: No name changes. Your checklists will remain unchanged.

More details?

Consider that current avian classification and name changes for N. & Middle America are pending within the American Ornithologists’ Union committee that will soon vote about various proposals that are listed at:


A PDF file of these pending proposals is accessed via:


Proposals germane to West Coast (lower 48 states) bird species are minimal, unless you consider this region to include Alaska. Here, where the Arctic Warbler breeds, a proposal would split it into three species (two new species names would result from the current Phylloscopus borealis). 

Stay tuned.

(Note, however: the Arctic Warbler is not a member of the New World wood-warbler family (Parulidae) that hosts the USA's most common, popular species.

Instead, this species is in the newly-described Phylloscopidae family, a taxon that was formerly in the Old World warbler family (Sylviidae). Pyylloscopidae family members primarily live in Eurasia, ranging into Wallacea and Africa. Most species frequent forest and scrub habitats where they catch insects on the wing. 

This family contains two genera, the Phyllocopus (of which the Arctic Warbler is a member) and the Seicercus, totaling approximately 66 species).)

Regards, Danieldanieledelstein@att.netwarblerwatch.com


  1. Is this one in the Parulidae family? Jeff

  2. No....the article notes it's in a different family, Jeff.

    Bryan M., Tampa

  3. Where does the Arctic W go for the winter, W guy?
