Sunday, March 23, 2014

Warbler Guy: What's a good web site for warbler songs? Songs of warblers are best heard on the web and who explains warbler calls and songs?

Here's where you should know about, James (in Vancouver):

GR8 web site...Type in the name of the bird species you wish to hear and, amazingly, dozens of different recordings from acoustic birders appear. Explore the list by scrolling down to read descriptions of each recording, then click on the ones you wish to hear.

A fantastic web site related to bird song ecology and excellent articles is:

Here, Nathan Pieplow, professional sound recordist and birder extraordinaire, features incisive accounts related to bird songs and calls.

His latest post from 2/28/14 notes excellent news with the announcement that the Florida Museum of Natural History now allows users access to is large collection of bird sound recordings. To find it, go to:

To read more about bird song ecology, I recommend Dr. Donald Kroodsma's book The Singing Life of Birds.


  1. I recommend this book by Don Kroodsma, too.

    Jason in Chicago

  2. I recommend this book by Don Kroodsma, too.

    Jason in Chicago

  3. Hearing lots of spring birds here in TX.....Jeremy
