Friday, December 11, 2015

Warbler Guy: Did nesting Kirtland's Warbler in Wisconsin occur again in 2015? Wisconsin Kirtland's Warbler nesting occurs annually in Wisconsin?


Yes and yes...and more 2015 details appear below with a summary from the WI DNR's web site:

Kirtland’s Warbler Monitoring Summary

Three banded nestlings, Adams County. Photo courtesy of Sarah Warner (USFWS).

Summary Highlights

  • 15 males and 14 females were confirmed in Adams County, 3 males and 2 females in Marinette County, 3 males in Bayfield County

  • 15 nesting attempts were made by 14 pairs in Adams County, 1 nesting attempt by 1 pair in Marinette County

  • 8 of the 15 Adams County males had been banded in previous years; 1 of those was banded as a nestling 2014

  • 3 of the 14 Adams County females had been banded in previous years

  • 16 nests: 15 in Adams County, 1 in Marinette County

  • 13 nests were successful: 12 in Adams County, 1 in Marinette County

  • 36-53 young fledged: 34-51 in Adams County, 2 in Marinette County


  1. Nice going...I have only seen Kirland's in MI....excellent they are in WI.....Danielle K.
