Saturday, March 4, 2017

Warbler Guy, are you teaching any local adult birding classes soon? Your "Bird Songing: The Ecology Of Birds Songs & Learning Them By Ear" Is Happening Soon Again?

...and good day, Bryce (in Hayward, CA). . .and please feel free to learn more about my upcoming 3/22 - 5/6/17 Merritt College class that you queried about in the subject line, above, via:

OR: I'm able to send you a color flyer with details about the class if you send me an email
note at:

.....or, as noted, see the pathway to learn registration/information about the class through, below....)

At the home page:

Click on the "Apply & Enroll" pull-down menu, then click on "Class Schedule."

You will see a pdf file of the entire Spring, 2017 class schedule. In turn, scroll to the Biology section, then
look for class under Biology 80B: "Bird Songing/Birding By Ear in the SF Bay Area"

Questions? Problems in enrolling? Please email me at

Meanwhile, please feel free to visit my web site — — where my
"Birding Tours" features information about small and large group birding outings I regularly
lead as a Marin County birding guide, Sonoma County birding guide, and San Francisco birding guide.

My popular eight-year-old wood-warbler blog — — may also interest you.

Here, ask "Warbler Guy" any question you wish about wood-warblers and he'll be your Answer Man.

My blog also features:

1) wood-warbler articles (for which you can search through eight years of
articles that have appeared at my blog);

2) photo ID quizzes; and

3) one-click, think-quick quizzes

Enjoy the birding....feel free to contact me with your questions:

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