Monday, May 29, 2017

Answer To Quiz: "Which wood-warbler females are known to sing?"

Good news, Quiz Takers...(far right side column): Most of you are female Yellow Warbler and American Redstart are known to occasionally sing, per my reading of the Warbler Field Guide (Jon Dunn & Kimball Garrett, Houghton Mifflin, 1997).

That's not to say other wood-warbler females are not periodic singers, especially because the aforementioned resource has NOT been updated since 1997.

Since that time, it's possible additional field studies have added one or more female wood-warbler species as documented singers....though, I have to admit, either I have not read an update in popular or scientific literature....or, equally possible, I have not accessed the best, strategic sources to learn
about newly-"discovered" female wood-warbler singers beyond the Yellow Warbler and American Redstart.

Perhaps one of my blog readers has insight to share, please?

Feel free to email me at

danieledelstein at att dot net

Best wishes to all my warbler fans....and feel free to see the May accounts related to birds
and wildlife at my web site's "Daniel's (Phenology) Nature Calendar" (via click
on "Birding Links," and access the nature calendar where terrestrial and sky events for each month of the year are highlighted for the northern CA/central CA region).

(In addition, my new, upcoming "Raptors of the SF Bay Area" is now "live" at given I teach as an Adjunct Faculty Member in the Biology Dept. at Merritt College in Oakland, CA. The class begins in Sept., 2017 and goes through mid-November and spotlights the ecology, life cycle, migration and field identification of raptors......(i.e., two slide show classes....and five all-day Saturday field trips.) (See BIOL 80A via for more information/registration and/or email me for a color flyer....especially because I'd appreciate any Sharing & Telling that you'd wish to do on my behalf, the class must attract 25 registrants for it to "go" and avoid cancellation.)