Thursday, August 22, 2019

Warbler Guy: Now that "fall" southbound migration has begun, where's a GREAT web site to check rare bird sightings in the area where I live? Where I plan to bird soon on my upcoming birding vacation?

Stacey, great question, and here's a new web site where you can read rare bird reports corresponding to any USA state (to which you might travel for birding and wish to know which "cool" bird species are potential "hot" draws for you and other birders to sleuth out:

Jeff Gordon, the American Birding Association's (ABA) Executive Director, noted the importance of this new web site in the following linked article that goes to the ABA's web site where the latest rare bird report is featured at:

In this article, Jeff mentions the new web site goes beyond serving as a posting site for rarities.

I hope this helps (?)


Daniel Edelstein 

Birding Guide,

Consulting Avian Biologist (who possesses five survey permits) (USFWS permit # TE101743-0)


Certified Wildlife Biologist Assc
(Surveys, Permitting, Regulatory Services)

12 Kingfisher Ct. 
Novato, CA 94949 

415-382-1827 (O) 415-246-5404 (iPhone) 
(hosts my resume)
(My 12-year-old warbler-centric blog, featuring articles, warbler news, & photo quizzes)

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