Sunday, April 23, 2017

Our Field Trip Photos (BIOL 80B, "Bird Song Ecology"), 4/22/17 (Thanks To Ken Twain, photos, below)

Note the names of bird species on the following photos include an overhead flight of

- Double-crested Cormorant (via Leona Canyon flyover) (status: year-round resident)

- a perching Wilson's Warbler (Leona Canyon nesting species; status: breeding season presence only; a few remain for Christmas Bird Counts (CBC), annually in Alameda Co.);

- a perched female Western Tanager at Parking Lot # on campus (breeding season presence only; a few remain for Christmas Bird Counts (CBC), annually in Alameda Co.)

- and a Band-tailed Pigeon (year round resident) (on Leona Canyon Trail)

- invasive amphibian species joined our party and crashed it? Yes, the intriguing frog at the bridge (where we brunched and lunched): an American Bullfrog (and NOT a CA Red-legged Frog)....with the bullfrog a non-native, INVASIVE species on the West Coast and throughout Alameda Co. in unwanted places....though in Manhattan restaurants it's absolutely wanted (and ordered!)

- Our group of 31 students showed a fine expression of attendance as here's a photo, below, of a portion of the group that appeared during the field trip (and, thus, notice their fine expressions of attention on the trail (!) :-).....)

- As for the lupine photo, I'm not sure of the common name/scientific name and don't have
my Jepson field guide near me now where I'm doing a bird survey and taking a break to ensure the FINE photos get uploaded promptly.

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