Saturday, April 22, 2017

Update: Bird Songing (via Bernie Krause's insights &, yes, Daniel noted in article)

...via the following 4/20/17 Santa Rosa Press Democratic article by Stephen Nett (a fine journalist, by the way), feel free to see the following link, below....after the XX

I think warbler watchers who ID many of this family's species by song and call will be intrigued with the information in the I'm not wishing to bugle my cameo appearance in the article as much as inform you that Bird Song Ecology is a fascinating aspect of warbler fun (....and, this latter theme, of course, is the focus of this blog: warbler ID, warbler quizzes, and warbler information....)

Regards, Daniel Edelstein

Birding Guide
Consulting Biologist (bird surveys, wildlife permitting, & wildlife regulatory services since 1998)


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