Saturday, April 15, 2017

Warbler Guy, given you're in the SF Bay Area (and so am I), do you teach adult classes? If so, where? Thanx

Thanks Devon...."Yes," please note my current "Bird Songing: The Ecology Of Birds' Songs & Identifying Them By Ear" is attended by 30 students at Merritt College (

In fact, I'm hosting another field trip today, so need to soon scoot.

Warblers we will pursue and are most likely to see?:

- Yellow-rumped (some still remain, perhaps, though abundance level is reduced; most of the plentiful non-breeding season individuals have left for breeding territory)

- Wilson's (abundant in riparian/bottomland areas) on territory and, also, some as transients moving toward breeding territory but "laying over" during the day to forage

- Townsend's (ala Yellow-rumped, some still remain, but most have left for breeding territory elsewhwere)

- Common Yellowthroat (locally common in suitable moist and/or marsh-like habitat)

- Black-throated Gray (often present amid drier habitat, if in breeding territory)

- Nashville (a transient is possible)

- Hermit (recent arrivals are now here in the SF Bay Area)

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