Thursday, March 26, 2015

Warbler Guy, is warbler migration early this year? Are early sightings of returning warblers occurring this spring?

Good question, Molly (in Palo Alto).

My N. CA/Marin County location provides a limited answer, but I believe reported sightings suggest, "yes," early arrival of returning warblers has happened in 2015.

For example, I noticed two to four week early arrival dates for WILSON'S, BLACK-THROATED GRAY, and ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER in February and March, 2015.
Note, over-wintering sightings of these three species occurs, but the vast majority are absent in my area during the non-breeding season (i.e., they are seasonal/nesting residents only).

Likewise, a scan of ebird records for warbler arrival times in my area supports my contention.

As for the East and Midwest where warbler species (such Yellow-rumped and Palm Warbler and Louisiana Waterthrush) are just beginning to return to breeding territory, I have no information to share, sorry.

Meanwhile, other early arriving songbirds this season where I live have included Pacific-slope Flycatcher, Grasshopper Sparrow, Warbling Vireo, and Cassin's Vireo.

In fact, this winter was so warm and dry, it felt like spring. And, now, with spring arriving on the calendar, it feels more like summer (with today's temperature reaching 83° F....!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What sub-species of Orange-crowned warblers are found in Marin County? Are they considered rarities? Thanks!