Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Warbler Guy, I am in California and beginning a "Big Year" of birding in 2021, but I'm staying in California for all my forays. Hence, which resource will help me see documented bird observations in each CA county, please?

Hello Corey (in Santa Barbara):

Kudos to you....Sounds exciting.


County by county lists of sightings for CA appear via John Sterling's home page at:


See the link to a file here and, then, go to each of the CA counties to which you will visit.

I hope this helps!

Regards, Daniel Edelstein

Birding Guide

Consulting Avian Biologist

(hosts my "Birding Tour" information as well as diverse birding information for N. CA)

WarblerWatch.blogspot.com (this blog's #)

415-382-1827 (office)

415-246-5404 (iPhone)

Monday, November 2, 2020

Warbler Guy, which is the ONE wood-warbler field guide to buy a friend for the upcoming holiday season?


Good question, Joey (in St. Paul):

Unwrapping your holiday gift is likely to result in euphoric glee, if you give your friend the The Warbler Guide (Tom Stephenson and Scott Whittle; Princeton Univ. Press, 2013)

It's the most current, comprehensive field guide focusing on the New World wood-warblers in the Parulidae family.

Where to get it?

Nicebooks.com is a wonderful resource, given the total cost for the book, including shipping is featured from low to high price after you type in a book title.

Funny related anecodote.

Tom Stephenson's brother (Mark) lives near me, so we often see each other at vagrant spots while birding along the N. CA coast where I live in Marin Co. (SF Bay Area).

Mark is an excellent birder, who has an equally adept birder son.

Scott Whittle highlighted this guide at a Golden Gate Audubon Society presentation that I attended. Inventive, eloquent speaker. Wonderful.

And so is the field guide.

Happy gift giving.....Regards, Daniel Edelstein


Birding Guide


Avian Biologist (with five federal USFWS survey permits, 

415-246-5404 (iPhone)