....are the following (and corresponding to the second most recent quiz on the right side of this article and scrolling down to older quizzes):
By the first week of March, which returning wood-warbler is the second or third most abundant wood-warbler species in the USA?
Answer: Orange-crowned Warbler. Why? Given the first week of March is too early for the bulk of returning Yellow Warbler and Louisiana Waterthrush to breeding sites, and given Yellow-breasted Chat is typically only common in localized areas (and rare to uncommon throughout much of its formerly larger breeding range), Orange-crowned’s begin appearing in portions of its breeding range by late February/early March. Note these returning breeding Orange-crowned are true migrants beyond the small population of this species that appear to overwinter during the non-breeding season. (Note #2: One Orange-crowned subspecies is a resident in the central CA coast, so it’s not intended to be included in this quiz question dynamic.)
“Second or third most abundant wood-warbler species in the USA” as the quiz question accounts for the more abundant numbers of Yellow-rumped Warbler and Common Yellowthroat in the USA during the initial portion of March, if only the USA is considered.
Which subspecies' breeding range is larger?: Audubon's Yellow-rumped or Myrtle Yellow-rumped Warbler?
Answer: Myrtle. See any range map for this species (e.g., "Warblers," Jon Dunn/Kimball Garrett, Houghton Mifflin, 1997). Note the vast area
throughout most of Canada and ALL of Alaska where Myrtle breeds.
Can you identify the correct order (top to bottom) of wood-warblers in the five photos on the left from the 11/10/10 posting?
Answer: Black-Th. Gray, Canada, Palm, Orange-crowned, Cape May.
In how many states does Kirtland's Warbler regularly nest?
Answer: Michigan and Wisconsin, with the Badger state now hosting breeding Kirtland’s during the last four consecutive breeding seasons. Previously, Michigan was thought to be the only state hosting annually occurring breeding populations for this species.