Good question, Irvin (in Spokane, WA).
1. Current avian classification and pending name changes under consideration by American Ornithologists’ Union committee and previous years' proposal are listed at:
2. The most RECENT proposal decisions that have been adopted are present at:
3. Please note a proposal is considered for a vote, then it must first be submitted.
This process is explained via:
The North American Classification Committee (NACC), formally known as the Committee on Classification and Nomenclature of North and Middle American Birds, is charged with keeping abreast of the systematics and distribution of birds in this region, with the purpose of creating a standard classification and nomenclature.
The committee votes "yes" or "no" on proposals and the results are typically listed at the American Ornithologists' Union web site ( by July each year.
4. As for potential warbler name changes via current proposals the NACC is considering, none are pending decision by this committee.
5. Lastly:
In other words, status quo shall reign, meaning, "yes," the Yellow-breasted Chat shall again
In other words, status quo shall reign, meaning, "yes," the Yellow-breasted Chat shall again
evade ejection from the warbler family. But that's a whole another question to debate and answer. (i.e., Feel free to search at this blog for a past post or two I have featured at this blog in prior years to 2017.)
Regards, Daniel Edelstein
Birding Guide,
Consulting Biologist,
Certified Wildlife Biologist (associate) (hosts my resume and birding information)