Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Warbler Guy, what's one quick tip to improve my birding by ear? Bird song memory is hard! -- so tips to learning bird songs and bird calls would be appreciated.

Here's a fast relief pill to take online for learning wood-warbler songs:

Go to the following web site that's associated with the excellent new book titled
The Warbler Guide (by Scott Whittle and Tom Stephenson):


You may also wish to view:


and click on the "Companion Guide" button on the right side......Excellent information (!)

Otherwise, feel free to see my web site's home page and the "Birding Links" tab pulldown menu where a free handout titled "Top 10 Tips To Improving Your Birding By Ear" appears.

Happy spring and warbler hunting to all, Daniel




Anonymous said...

Best guide out there for WW's.

Anonymous said...

Best guide out there for WW's.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the handout at your site, WW Guy

Anonymous said...

I still say it's spring and fall confusing warblers....not just in autumn. Stacey L.

Anonymous said...

Thank u.....

Anonymous said...

nicely done warbler man
